Yeah. I need to make up my mind :P I got another Illexia code, hopefully this one will work! Even if not, I have a backup :P And remember, once you upload it, it will be locked to your account! No tradesies!
Anywho, rules are the same, everythings the same! Actually, no, it's not. Slight change in the rules.
"Originality: (You can use the same old Nimmei build, but if you put an original spin on it, you will get more points)
Effectiveness: (Using random cards is original.. will it win a match?)
Mechanics: (Does it really work? Be sure to brush up on your rulings before you submit a deck!)
Consistency: (Does everything work together? Do your attacks, elements, locations and creatures mesh together? Do you have control-tendencies in an aggro deck that dont fit?)
1 - These decks can be hypothetical. You do not have to actually have the cards. However, keep it practical. If there is an ultra in somewhere where a common could be used, you could lose marks.
2 - Please do not copy decks. This is almost impossible to police, but to reinforce this, do not show anyone else your deck! If you do not show anyone else your deck, and it's original, then no one can have copied you.
3 - Tournament ends 20th November.
4- I WILL not Accept decks from people who have not read the rules, So to confirm this in you message any put, Long Live Illexia!
5 - PM all submissions to me in 6v6 Master rules format on Chaotic. Screen-name is MandibleMuge
6 - The decks can be mixed decks, so long as it includes at least one Danian creature, and it must center around using the Danian. For example,Using a Gorram deck with two Xaerv Monsoon Defenders is fine , using a Grantkae deck with two Neekwins is Not.
7 - Do your best and have fun!"
Quoted from Chaotic Campaigns, which quoted it from Danian Hall.
So that's it!
Prize 1 - Illexia
Prize 2 - Danian-Associated Ultra
Prize 3- Danian-Associated Ultra
Good luck! Remember, before November 20! Hurry, and tell your friends ;)