Saturday, January 16, 2010

New Danian of The Week & New Authors?!

Time for this week's Danian of the Week, but before that, I want to make a small announcement... Since the last tournament I had, Kerberos had a similar one on his blog, we may as well have another synchronized tourny! Because the authors on DH don't seem to be posting (SirNainad doesn't seem to be on chaotic as much, Beckett does have his own blog to look after, PC is probably busy with deck building and Buzzer is unfortunately not on chaotic as much) I decided I'd look for a few more. Now, I won't be removing the others, they can post whenever they like. Maybe they'll become active again, too..
It's not really a tourney, but over the next few weeks, I'll be looking for new authors.. Not only that, but now we'll have separate columns and sections for the authors to specify in! Here are the columns.
Editor - MandibleMuge (This just means I have a broad range of topics to post on, I won't be approving other people's articles, they can post freely)

DeckBuilding - _________ (This Author will post different decks they use or have seen be used, and also tips on deck building and how cards change it)

Card&Combo - _________(This Author posts on specific cards or combo techniques and talks about them, often mugic or attacks)

Specialist - _________ (This Author talks about hardcore danian strategies, usage and background, even about the danians outside of the game)

Branching Out - _________ (This Author will talk about other tribes that work well with danians and how danians can be used in mix decks)

So if you are interested, contact me! And if any of the other Authors are reading this, tell me which column you want to work in - There can be more than one Author to each column, or more than one column to each author! Now, moving on!

Danian of the Week, a High Muge Special!

That's right! I figured I haven't given this guy enough attention. I traded my Vlar and Taffial CH for him a while back, and I haven't had a chance to use him yet since he is still banned.. When I first saw him I thought "Meh, he looks pretty good." But now, while I'm deckbuilding, it turns out he's the kinda of card who's incredibly useful to have. Especially when you can get four uses out of Cadence Clash, double/triple some of your infection, get another Strain of Infection going, or even just stick to the classics and use Song of Symmetry four times! Imagine you have a flipped up General's Standard in your deck. Now use Ode of Obscurity twice, and once more with this guy. That's the whole board infected using two mugic cards! You can even give this guy Mipedian Balladeer's Flute and a Strain of Infection mugic. That gives him six counters, which doubles your mugic hand! Not too shabby at all, huh? Not to mention his cardart and flavour text are really cool, an he has earth, which helps if you have the new Wamma Flame Guard, or Rocky Refrain. A great High Muge for the danians, no doubt.


  1. Very nice man. Lore: HMOTH is one of the two best danian muges there are. He ties with Lore: AC in my opinion.

  2. Nice yesterday I went to my friends for the first time in like a year and he's got themost amount of ultras ever so he gave me a Lore HMH free!!!!!
