Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hero of the Hive; Jacob's Hunt

I hope Mandible and Quazer don't mind I posted this Fanfic, especially a spin-off. This will (hopefully) be my Prologue in a series of many Chapters, and it does apply here since it meets the requirement of "Branching Out." I hope you all like it! :D

Prologue: Plan B

=====================(Remnants of Mount Pillar, midway into the M'arr Invasion)

"Your Highness!" a calm soldier yelled to its Leader.

"What is it, Tarbok?!" Queen Illexia boomed.

"The Invaders' Tainted Water is protruding into the Main Sanctum!"

"We all know that!" she barked. "Get Tassanil!"

A few seconds later, the lanky Warrior rushed into the Queen's HeadQuarters.

"Yes, your highness?" the Heroic Noble questioned.

"Status report on the Reservoir!" she cried. "And, for the sake of Perim, do NOT tell me the obvious like your friend over there did!" She eyed the Mandiblor, who was staring into space, at attention.

"My pleasure, your Highness," Tassanil said quietly. "Our men can't take the Invaders anymore. I've lost nearly half my flank to those Bottom Dwellers and I'm sure Ekuud has as well! The Reservoir is expected to burst soon from the overflow of Invaders, according to Ibiaan's Calculations."

She sighed. "Thank you, Tassanil." She then paused for a moment, taking a tab of all the events so far and what their next course of action should be.

[We don't have enough Controllers left], she thought, [but our only hope is more Assimilations! Ugh!]

With the strain of that last word whizzing through her mind, it pierced the Antannae of all the Danians on Hive Call and a sharp ringing stuck. They all doubled over in pain, then wearily got back to what they were doing.

[I'm glad Aszil isn't in power yet. She wouldn't survive a day in this mess], she assured herself. [We would all be dead, surely. I really need a break soon...Wait till after the Invasion has paused]. The events of the Invasion has reduced the Queen to an unsensical babbling fool. [Get back on track, Illexia-Find a Plan]. The Past events, her Danians, the other Tribal Leaders-Something had to click!...And then it happened.

She shouted to her Guards surrounding her, "Find me a Map of Perim immediately!"

Not even a second went by when a Mandiblor pulled out a rolled-up Map from his Satchel and passed it to the Queen.

She unravaled the piece of Parchment, signed by Blazier in the bottom right-hand corner and entitled "Leader's Copy," and spotted the landmark that was surely her enormous abode. She scanned the Map hundreds of times before, and even now, and she realized she finally found her Plan B.


  1. Very nice Rooster...are you going to post this on the Fanfiction Forum as well?

  2. Well, not until I get more feedback, I suppose ;).

    Thanks, Hunter :D.
