Monday, May 11, 2009

The Elite!

Okay, blog readers, time to introduce you to my Team. I joined the team "The Elites" which is a fantastic chaotic team. I have learned a whole lot just by being there. I am now hosting the team's first tournament, and I need a bit of help. So to all members of the blog, and some readers too, maybe, I'd like it if you could all help me run it a bit. We need some help with prizes in case I fall short, and some other stuff. If anyone is interested, or wants to join and take part, feel free! But be warned, joining the elite isn't easy! Make sure to check the front page first :D
More information at the link below:

That's where the tournament will be organised, if you want to see it. All Elite members follow that link!

Basically, this blog will be sponsoring the Tournament. Anyone who wants to help, I'd really appreciate it.

1 comment:

  1. could you pm me, i have a question for you

