Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Enemies of the danians

These are the cards that if i see i go after them even if costs me the match.
Kileron isnt on here just because he isnt really their enemy.
I only posted creatures that really hate them.


  1. Hech yeah! I hate these guys. This is a great idea, I think I'll expand on it in another post!

  2. ok, i want them out of the game, lol:)

  3. You should add trills of Dimunation to the list :)
    (Twister here) unless it is only creatures

  4. Add Xaerv monsoon defender, Waterproof 10 and does +5 damage to creature with water. Keep in mind that 95% of note worthy Danians have the Water element.

  5. But xaerv is awsome, and he hates m'arillians. so he is on our side, this is for creatures that exually hate them

  6. I see, what about Fla'gamp? His pic has him drowning a Danian in a whirlpool.

    This is Ricco,the anonymous post above is mine too by the way.

  7. Kamangareth isn't too much of a threat with the massive damage Danians can deal with their attacks, and Kamangareth has to hurt herself to be a threat.

    Hammerdoom Chantcaller is scary, but never sees any play anymore since there are just plain better underworlders in the new sets.

    Aokua is really a threat to every tribe that focuses on stat attacks, Danians can whoop him with some assistance though. Riptide, Unisong, Deluge of Doom, and other courage boosting attacks help, and Nimme can easily out courage him with the right deck build.

    The new Xaerv should definatly be here, he's absolutely terrifying to M'arrillians, Danians, and even other Overworlders.

  8. Okay here is the reason why Xaerv does not belong there, he is an OW. OW and Danians are friends. HE wasnt made to be played against Danians.So he isnt their enemy.

  9. Aokua wasn't made to play against danians either Buzzer.

    Aesthetically, Xaerv isn't the enemy of danians. However, in actual gameplay, he is deadly! One of our biggest enemies.. Aokua has nothing to do with danians in gameplay, only in flavour. Kamangareth isn't really a threat either, but the cards are good to have up because they are against danians in their pics like Fla'Gamp is.

    It's cards like Rol'doi and Neth'uar who specifically target danians who are our real enemies. Xaerv might not specifically target us, but he does deal serious damage to us.

    And OW and Danians aren't friends yet, Forged Unity isn't out.

  10. Well its almost out, and i picked cards, that hate danians

  11. I think that clinically Hammerdoom Chantcaller should be removed, since his most recent card is of him as an assimilated dannian :P (take that underworld!)

  12. he is now, but in that card art he is still a danian hater.

  13. That's true, Buzzer. In fact, I think Kolmo should go up there too!

  14. oh yea i forgot about him, buti will do it later
