The Danian General
The Danian General

I don't know about anyone else, but I think the Compost mechanic is a pretty awesome intro to Chaotic. It has more or less only 3 cards that can be indisputably assigned to it, and they haven't been out 2 months yet, but already they took the metagame by storm. So far, every danian deck I have faced in the past month (and that's not very many..) has used compost. It really made the danian armies more popular.
Now TCDOP has released two of the four new generals, and here is ours, Gorram. Come to bring new meaning to the word "compost".
When I saw Gorram, I felt a little tingling in my spine. "My spidey- er, anty sense is tingling!" I yelled, much to the confusion of those around me who weren't look at my laptop screen. I never found a strategy in chaotic that suited my style quite like Compost has (and I like to think my deck is a tad different to the more typical generic compost ones) so naturally, seeing a compost danian in the big league rarities was too exciting for me. As I described previously, he is "The Chaor to my Kaz" - I can't wait to get him.
I don't have an army build yet, but will soon enough. For now, here are some comments on him, and points to remember.
- Finally, those other tribes are good for something, even if that something is filling up your discard pile. What else would you need? Now, I know what you are thinking.. "But we hardly ever use fire, only sometimes use air and have plenty of other ways to get water 5! What's the big deal?" Well, Gorram will most likely be used with Elementalist Pauldrons - Keep him in position 4 or 5, so he can still do some battling and get some elements from your other creatures before they are chucked in the discard nonchalatly. Faash is a good sidekick to him, also with elementalist pauldrons, and easily gets another fire 5. Neekwin in the back. Up front, an overworlder, an underworlder and a mipedian, I'm sure good cards for this slot will come up in Forged Unity. So Faash will have air, water, fire, fire 10, air and water 5. Neekwin will have water 10 once you use his ability, and air 5. Gorram will have all 3 and element 5 in all of them. This means you can mix air and water attacks (Hail storm, winter claw) and water, fire attacks (Perplexing heat, flaming coals) with anything else you want.
- Unusually, Earth may not be one of the primary elements for a Gorram deck. You can always swap the Faash I showed above for a member of another tribe or an earth user.
- Gorram has good courage like most danians, so even if you have a lot of nice elementalist attacks, don't be afraid to throw in some challenges too.
- Gorram's energy is low, so don't use him as your main fighter. To raise his energy, try Domestic Hive Hymn or Song of Symmetry
- Obviously Gorram likes mixed decks, so be sure you are ready to give up Illexia, Swarming Destruction, Hiadrom, Nimmei and more before you commit to the new set's style of play.
- An old forgotten card has a chance to come back now. Ambassador Raznus can let you get all the benefits of Overworld Mugic before he enters your discard pile.
- Don't be afraid to fully embrace the other tribes. One creature has invisibility, the other has healing powers, the other has intimidate... Mix it up a bit before your non-danians expire!
- Remember, this is opening up a whole new world of elementalism (is that a word? o.O) to the danian tribe. Eat that, Overworld! Haha, just kidding, but now the bugs are real contenders for elemental armies. Just watch out for Xis'torq!
- Don't forget, he is only a super, not even ultra, so he won't be too elusive!
remember if neekwin is in the back he cant gain fire or earth so he wont have fire 5
ReplyDeletethe new set wont be to good for us pure tribers :(
I'm a little worried about this new set. I don't want to give up all my other armies and start playing mixed deck. What about all the different Element types? It will be hard to choose your attacks and creatures just right.
ReplyDeleteAlso who said you HAD to use the three other tribes? You could simply put Danians with overworlders... right and get Water five so that creatures like Irrabeq beecome even more Freakin' powerful! But be sure to get an OW that could benifiet from being with the danians, or that could benifeit from it's own tribe being in the graveyard.
ReplyDeleteAnother good Idea would be to not even use Danians at all, except Gorram of course. Use frontliners like Brimflame + Whepcrack (2x) and a Bladez, Right! Then get an UW that can Sacrifice himself! Or even better! Sacrifice him to a nourishing Nocturne! Right! Fire 15 of Brimflame! Plus A lot of energy!
Did you notics the name??? Danian hall so ot using danians wont fly.
Awesome where did you find this?
Its on tcdop.com
ReplyDelete"Did you notics the name??? Danian hall so ot using danians wont fly.
that one wasnt me, and i agree with him/her danians all the way
Let's try not to forget what Forged Unity is all about, and that's using mixed decks. So even if you only have one danian in your army, if you use him creatively it's all good. We promote that here :)
ReplyDeleteI feel a lot safer in Loyal one-tribe mono-danian decks but we all have to step out of our comfort zone for this one.
Using him in a build with a single alternative tribe works very well. I have a deck for him up already, AND if you do want to try to remain true to the power of the Dan, you can always swap in for an OW build that uses Water 5 creatu for Irrabeq, just use Lomma to make sure you guys get that bonus water 5 from her being in the discard. Yet another reason for people to play void dirge, and another reason for everyone using this card to play Cadence Clash/Sound of Noice :D
ReplyDeleteTsunai has a point. Tassanil, Neekwin, Irrabeq.. All of these guys (not all at once though o.o) go well with a Gorram/OW build. I put together an example of a multi-tribe army in the next post, but it's just a guide line. Something more contained is better. And blazier is a good addition, to keep an eye on any would-be Lore Chamber's of Recall coming up.