Monday, August 10, 2009

Branching out, Yterio

Assimilated articles is a series of articles that will only have three posts to it, of course, but this is a new set called "Branching out" which I told you about in the "What's Coming" article. Branching out is all about helping players who aren't using pure decks to cope in the camaraderie of mixed armies, without relying on those old favourites we danian players have come to depend on so much. Nimmei, Hiadrom, Illexia, Swarming Destruction, and so many others. This is all about other cards who can be used well with danians, so let's begin. And no, I won't just be naming off the forged unity cards like majjcan and kamangareth. I'll try to give some creative ideas of mine :)



This guy happens to be my favourite mipedian, and he can work great in Danian decks, since he is a fairly high end super (from the second latest set) and not loyal. A great guy to pair him with is Gorram. You can get air 5 whenever you feel like it, instead of waiting for your opponent to go after him. And of course, negate an attack while your at it. Imagine your creature can't survive another attack, and might not beat the opponent in another turn. Well sac this guy, stop the attack, and power up your next move for a guaranteed K.O Plus, he has a counter, so use melody of mirage and get rid of two attacks for the price of one creature! Or even three, with a Mipedian Balladeer's flute! He goes great with other danian negation like Adaptive Progression. My personal favourite combination is sacrificing his flute, then using Iflar's Improv. Strike 30, and he can stop an attack, and in a gorram army, give your creatures air 5. Now that's definitely worth it :)

Hats off to Yterio, the mipedian Turn of the Tide Super Rare!

And sorry to those who were expecting a second Assimilated Article. It's coming soon, but I'm trying to space them out!


  1. Wow, its when reading articles like this that you realize

    a) how complicated this game is
    b) how complicated Danians and Mipideans are

    I've got a lot to learn, keep it up guys - really helping me get my head around this whole chaotic thing!

  2. Cool, I'm glad :)

    If you ask me (And I don't want to offend anyone)

    Overworld and Underworld are the simpler tribes, a bit like training wheels, and Danians, Mipedians and the fifth tribe M'arillians are where it gets more complex.. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule, but that's how it is in general.
